How to Make : The Game with No Name

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The game with no name

To start the game, you will need 7 coloured pens (if you aren’t using the board you can print below), two die and two pompoms.
The pens will be used to set up the board.
Use a red and yellow pen to colour opposite corners (as shown below). Then take all your other colours and colour in as many or few of the squares as you like with 5 different colours. Bear in mind that the smaller the number of squares coloured in, the easier and quicker the game will be.

Each pen/colour will mean a different category. For example, at the top of my board there is sports which is written in purple. The purple squares will be a sports activity.

Each go starts off with someone rolling both the die. One dice is your moves up the board and another dice is across the board. You can choose which is up and which is across.
For example, I roll a 6 with my red dice and a 5 with my white. I can choose to either move up the board 5 places or across the board 5 places.

If you land on a coloured square you can look to the booklet for what to do or the question to answer. For example, I land on a blue square, I go to the booklet and find the question that has the same number as the square I am on. If you answer the question correctly you can stay on the square. If you do not you have to go back to where you last were.

This continues until one player gets to the other side of the board to their opponent’s starting point.

To increase difficulty, add more categories, such as ‘who can do xyz the fastest’.

There is a list of trivia question and history questions done for you. You can add more to the list of questions.
The competitions are up to you to decide.


1.     Throw a ping pong ball against a wall and catch it 5 times

2.     Run around the house once

3.     Do 10 jumping jacks on the spot

4.     Run on the spot for 30 seconds

5.     Hop on one leg for 30 seconds

6.     Do activities 1 and 2 without a break


Kids trivia

1.     How many legs does a spider have?

2.     What is the cowboy from Toy Story called?

3.     What colour is an emerald?

4.     Whose nose grew when they lied?

5.     Who is the fairy from Peter Pan?

6.     If you freeze water, what do you get?

7.     What colours are on the American flag?


Adults trivia

1.     Ph.D. stands for what?

2.     “I’ll be back” is the famous saying of which famous actor?

3.     “Simpson desert” found in which continent?

4.     Which is the only food that has no expiry date?

5.     The world’s oldest still used currency is what?

6.     In what year did England win the world cup?

7.     What is the percentage of water in the human body?



1.     Who was Prime Minister for most of world war II?

2.     Who was caught trying to blow up parliament in 1605?

3.     What number house does the prime minister live in?

4.     How many wives did Henry the 8th have?

5.     What were ancient Egyptian kings/queens called?

6.     What were the lady with the lamp actually called during the Crimean War?

7.     Which queen is known for saying ‘we are not amused’?



TV and Film

1. Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?

2. What is the longest running American children's television show in TV history?

3. How are Dora and Diego related?

4. Who is Anna’s sister in the Disney film Frozen?

5. In Peppa Pig, what is Peppa’s little brother called?

6. What is the name of Mickey Mouse’s girlfriend?

7. When Humpty Dumpty was sitting on a wall, what happened next?


Kids trivia: 8, Andy, green, Pinocchio, Tinker Bell, ice, red, blue and white

Adults trivia: Doctor of Philosophy, Brad Pitt, Australia, honey, British pound, 1966, 65%

History: Winston Churchill, Guy Fawkes, 10, 6, pharaohs, Florence Nightingale, Queen Victoria 

Tv and film – SpongeBob SquarePants, sesame street, cousins, Elsa, George, Minnie mouse, had a great fall.